Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter at the new house!

30 years ago, the Easter Bunny left eggs for me 'hidden' in the house my parents were having built. Today, the same was done for my boys. Here are some shots of the first floor Greg took during the hunt. If you look close enough, you may see an egg or two.

Dining room looking into kitchen

Foyer (and an egg!)

Dining room looking the other way

Kitchen, breakfast area, family room

Same three rooms taken from the other side

Sun room

Family room and garage, taken from sun room
(with G retrieving an egg in the background, plus
one that hasn't been found yet )

Looking out the sun room


G shows off his collection of eggs -
in a 'random' box from the car, because of course
we 'didn't know' we would need a basket. ;)

Looking out back patio door

Garage, mud room, half bath, taken from family room

Mudroom with garage access

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