Saturday, July 29, 2017

Siding, Part 2

Front is almost complete! We also have columns for the front entryway instead of just slabs of wood. Oh, and ooh, ooh! What's that? A mistake corrected. I designed the inside of the house. Didn't give much thought to the outside. Saw the initial plans and thought, maybe I want a window in the laundry room. Didn't go with my gut. House was framed. Walked into the laundry room. Realized how dark it was. Got sad. Decided to live with it. Until my amazing husband stepped in and told the contractor to get the framer back out and give me my window. I LOVE IT! Not only does it brighten the laundry room, the positioning of said laundry room lets the window brighten the entire hallway upstairs. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Siding, Part 1

I think it looks a bit more brown than the sample we have, but that's okay. We like it! Also (not pictured) our neighbors to the east now are the proud owners of a large hole. It will be interesting to see when they are going to be able to move in. Our target occupancy date has been bumped from October 20 to November 10. Hopefully it doesn't get changed to any later than that. 

Saturday, July 15, 2017